Obviously, we all want high ranking employees for our businesses. That is why it is important to remain focused on who we select to represent our companies. If you would like your company to excel, mentally prepare your applicants on your expectations for their positions.
GRR feels that all employers should make efforts to close the skills gap and create a job market where skilled qualified employees are highly expected in their work environment. Employers are the ones in control of hiring employees with poor skills; therefore, it is the employers’ duty to not hire anyone with skills less than excellent. WE believe that the bar needs to be raised during the process of hiring employees because, technically, they are the ones who can make or break your company. What would you suggest the solution to this problem be? Here is an article (linked below) to explain in detail the complexity of this issue.
Article here: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7145-skills-gap.html